What scares customers and how to avoid scaring them

The conversation explores the topic of what scares customers and how to avoid scaring them. The hosts and guest discuss the fears that customers have, such as the fear of change, the fear of failure, the fear of being oversold, and the fear of new technology. They also touch on the importance of building relationships with customers and gaining their trust. The conversation highlights the need for transparency, communication, and early wins to alleviate customer fears. The hosts and guest share their insights on how to approach clients, ask the right questions, and provide valuable solutions. In this conversation, DJ, Nish, and Mary discuss the importance of building relationships with clients and overcoming their fears. They emphasize the need for honest and transparent communication, as well as the value of patience and understanding. They also highlight the importance of focusing on solving the client's problem rather than just building software. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the role of change and the need for alignment between the consulting company and the client's needs.

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